Clippings Welcome to Clippings, the ragtag, off the wall, hotchpotch, patchwork section of Happle in which all sorts of shit goes in. Some of it is informative, some of it is entertaining, but the majority of it is bollocks. In a world of licorice allsorts, Clippings is your red jelly-baby. Um, or something... ------------ SIMPLE ENCRYPTION FORMS 1.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir Talonz Encryption is the act of hiding strings of text by 'encrypting' the text. This 'hidde' text is called cypher text. The process of hiding it is called 'encryption'. The whole scheme of things is called 'cryptography'. In this paper I'll describe 3 different simple types of encryption. These shift cypher, permunation, and substitution. The first, and most simple, is shift cypher. Ceaser used this method to hide his msg's hundreds of years ago. All he did was move the letters of the alphabet 3 charecters down. This would mean a = c, b = d, and so on. That is all a shift cypher is. Moving down or up the charecters. This is very simple and anyone can use this form with little or no difficulty what so ever. The second I'll show you is substitution. This is simply substituing one charecter for another. Anyone can do this one to. This, used with permutation and shift cypher can be a bit strong though. Combine it with talonCrypt and you got yourself pretty good encryption.( talonCrypt can be found at ). Permutation is just a bit more advanced. It involves splitting a word up, like this: thisiseasy |this|ise|as|y| asthisisey As you can see to decrypt it all you would need to know is the order in which it is encrypted, then do the inverse. |as|this|ise|y| 2 4 3 1 this|ise|as|y 4 3 2 1 All these are very simple forms of encryption. Anyone can use them without having a phd in math. I hope ya learned something. This was meant for newbies. ------------ THE MUFFIN MANIFESTO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10/8/98 "Behold the power of a deadly_muffin. I sit in the corner as you make fun of my pastry-like coatings. I wait for you to make your next insulting move on my bakery terrain. I wait. As you poke me, mock me, possibly try to eat me, I do not resist. I wait. As you try and try, i make no move. Then you turn around... As you turn to laugh with your friends, I pull out my sword made from only the finest grains. Then from no where, my friends pop out of the oven. You look around with fright. Donuts. Muffins. Blueberry Pastries...We all wait for you. You try to cover us up, while we still knowingly exist. You try and wipe us out. We are still here. We are deadly. We are only made from grains and wheat. It does not matter. You can destroy me, but you can't destroy us all. We will bake havok into your homes, stir chaos into your brownies. We will control your oven. You cannot stop my reign of terror. For I am one of many muffins so deadly." -deadly_muffin ------------ COUNTRY CODES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I haven't listed all of them here and you can probably download something like this, but hey, i was bored :P AF Afghanistan AL Albania DZ Algeria AD Andorra AO Angola AI Angulla AQ Antarcrica AG Antigua and Barbuda AR Argentina AM Armenia AW Aruba AU Australia AT Austria BS Bahamas BH Bahrain BD Bangladesh BB Barbados BE Belgium BM Bermuda BO Bolivia BA Bosnia-Herzegovina BR Brazil BG Bulgaria KH Cambodia CM Cameroon CA Danada KY Cayman Islands CF central African Republic TD Chad CL Chile CN China CO Colombia CG Congo CR Costa Rica HR crotia CU Cuna CZ Czech Republic DK Denmark DM Dominica DO Dominican Republic EC Ecuador EG Egypt SV El Salvador EE Estonia ET Ethiopoa FK Falkland Islands FJ Fiji FI Finland FR France GM Gambia GE Georgia DE Germany GH Ghana GI Gibraltar GR Greece GL Greenland GD Grenada GP Gaudeloupe GU Guam GT Guatemala HT Haiti HN Honduras HK Hong Kong HU Hungary IS Iceland IN India ID Indonesia IR Iran IQ Iraq IE Ireland IL Israel IT Italy JM Jamaica JP Japan JO Jordan KZ Kazakhstan KE Kenya KP Korea (People's Repulic) KR Koreo (Republic) KW Kuwait LA Laos LV Latvia LB Lebanon LR Liberia LY Libya LI Liechtendtein LT Lithuania LU Luxembourg MO Macau MK Macedonia MG Madagascar MY Malaysia MT Malta MQ Martinque MX Mexico FM Micronesia MC Monaco MS Mozambique NP Nepal NL Netherlands AN Netherlands Antilles NC New Caledonia NZ New Zeland NI Nicaragua BG Nigeria NO Norway OM Oman PK Pakistan PA Panama PY Paraguay PE Peru PH Philippines PL Poland PT Portugal QA Qatar RO Romania RU Russian Federatioon RW Rwanda KN Saint Kitts And Nevia LC Saint Lucia VC Saint Vincent And The Grenadines WS Samoa SA Saudia Arabia SN Senegal SG Singapore SI Slovenia SO Somalia ZA South Africa SU Soviet Union (former) ES Spain LK Sri Lanka SD Sudan SR Suriname SE Sweden CH Switzerland TW Taiwan, Province Of China TZ Tanzania TH Thailand TT Tunisia TR Turkey TC Turks And Tobago UG Uganda UA Ukraine AE United Arab Emirates UK United Kingdom US United States UY Uruguay VA Vatican City State VE Venezuela VN Vietnam VG Virgin Islands (British) VI Virgin Islands (U.S.) YE Yemen YU Yugoslavia ZR Zaire ZM Zambia ZW Zimbabwe - Ferrocyanide ------------ [ Editor's note - I was actually going to include this as a seperate article, as it was submitted specially for Happle. However, the brevity got to me so I have included it in clippings. Still very interesting though :) ] ICQ CHAT KICK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Silent Scream Have you wondered how to kick someone off an ICQ chat but couldn't because of two reasons. 1. Not enough ppl agreed to. 2. Because you had the mac version of ICQ and didn't have the option to send around the request to kick the individual(s) off. In this article I will explain as simply as possible how to kick ppl of an ICQ chat... 1. First off you will need IP NETMONITOR. When you open IP NETMONITOR look for the Window menu click on it and drag it down to Connection List. Once the connection list is opened click on monitor. As of now you will be listening to all incoming and outgoing packets. 2. Make a chat request to someone and u will see something similar like this show up in the connection list. State Stream Local Remote SWnd TCP established 2920 Now you will be chatting with them. You can make requests to additional people and their info as shown above will show up. If you are chatting and someone is bugging you in the chat simply click on there information in the connection list and click delete. They will then be kicked off the chat. It is as simple as that :) Sincerly, -Silent Scream Send any questions or comments to (If distribuating this article pleeze do not edit any part of it. Send everything as it is :-). The bottom line is pleeze leave Silent Scream at the end of it :)